Employee Messaging

Screenshot of CleanGuru's Employee Messaging Functionality

Finally,instant employee messaging done right.

What do wemean?

Well, somesoftware companies are set up for messages to be sent to all employees in abuilding, which might seem like a good idea.

But, haveyou ever noticed the response to ‘group’ texts? If your experience is anythinglike ours, it’s not what it’s cracked up to be.

You know, differentpeople looking at the same text see things – differently. Ugh.

Someunderstand it the way the sender intended. But, some, maybe many others misunderstand it, ‘reading into’ the groupmessage ideas that may make them everything from confused – to furious!  

Group texts,like ones sent to all cleaners and managers in a building – may end up creatingmany more problems than they solve.  

Plus, there’s the whole issue ofdisgruntled people taking a ‘quick pic’ of the text message appearing on theirscreen.   

That’s whywe created a better approach to employee message, one that lets you accomplishyour goal, without creating misunderstanding and upset cleaners.

Our instantemployee message lets you, the cleaning business owner, decide who will beallowed to text employee questions, reminders or instructions; ones not seen byeveryone in the building, but rather only the person intended. 

The cleaner can then easily acknowledge the received the message, by sending a reply text to confirm what steps they will take to respond or follow up with additional questions to make sure they are clear about what needs to be done. The result, employee messaging – done better.

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